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1. Virtual carry out 3.human 4.mental 6.ready-made 9.clean 10.genetic
1.Cure 2.treat 3.lonely 4.alone 5. Isolated
1.back 2.across 3.into 4.round
1.for 2.of 3.through 4.from 5.for 7.for 8.on 9.about 10.for
1.b Future perfect
2.c Future continuous
3.a Future continuous
· Pollution levels in cities will have descreased as scientists will have invented environmentally-friendly cars.
· (By the year 2050) people will be living longer since scientists will have found cures for many diseases.
· We will be going on holiday to other planets as space travel will have improved.
· We will be doing more creative jobs because computers will be doing the most boring jobs.
· There will be no more rainforests as we will have cut them all down.
· People will be living in cities under the sea as cities will have become too crowded.
· We will have become poorer since there will be few jobs left
· Crime will have increased because more people will be without work.
1. She told him not to touch the switch with wet hands.
2. she asked me what I had seen in the distance.
3. He asked her if she had got a pen.
4. The museum guide warned us not to touch the exhibits.
5. The teacher told us to be quite.
6. He asked me if I had spoken to Ann yet.
7. He asked me why I hadn’t called the police.
8. He told Jane that he would need her help.
1. I have a headache.
2. Are you coming with me?
3. it won’t hurt.
4. The prisoner is moving towards the front gate.
5. Who is it?
6. Take him to prison.
1.c 2.a 3.b 4.c
Ex-5 take 2.icy 3.close to reach go into have 7. To set give up occupy bring
1.let 2.leave 3.discovered 4.invented 5.avoided 6.prevented 7.true 8.real
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. A 5.B 6. A 7. B
1.were found 2. Is now being examined lifted found 5.will be made 6. Will be cleaned put 8.have been discovered
1. John Mils (S), an expedition to the North Pole(O)
2. Many TV networks (S), the expedition (O)
3. They (S), the expedition (O)
4. John Mils (S), all the necessary equipment(O)
5. He (S), an observation camp(O)
6. Many people (S), objections to this expedition
1. An expedition to the North Pole is being prepared by John Mills.
2. The expedition will be filmed by many TV networks.
3. The expedition is going to be shown on national TV.
4. All the necessary equipment has already been bought (by John Mills)
5. An observation camp is going to be set up there (by him).
6. Objections to this expedition have been raised by many people.
1. America was discovered by Columbus.
2. The lightbulb was invented by Edison.
3. Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.
4. Radium was discovered by Curie.
5. The Mona Lisa was painted by da Vinci.
6. The telephone was invented by Bell.
1e 2c 3d 4a 5g 6f 7b
1g 2f 3a 4e 5b 6d 7c

1.massive 2.blocks 3. Tremendous 4.lightning 5.thick 6.volcanic 7.electricity 8.hit 9.rescue start
1.exploded 2.survivors 3.hit 4.victims 5. Struck
1.on 3. Up 4.out
A.falling rocks B. cloud of ash C.lava D. forest fire E.lightning storm F.steam G.survivors H.flooding I.victim
1. At 2. Into 5.into 6.of 7.into 9.onto

2) Famine 3.earthquake 4.volcanic eruption 5. Flood 6.drought
2. Food has been sent to help the starving people.
3. I was shaken awake!
4. Warnings were given before it exploded.
5. Even more rain is expected in the next few days.
6. People have been asked not to waste water.
1. A reporter will be sent to the scene of the accident.
2. The survivors are being taken to hospital.
3. The police weren’t informed about the theft.
4. Water was dropped on the burning forest by fire planes.
5. Twenty people have been found in the build.
6. Five crew members have been rescued by the lifeboat team.
7. An investigation is being carried out by the police.
1e 2 I 3a 4d 5b 6g 7f 8h 9c 10j
1.tiring 2.exciting 3.rewarding 4.stressfull
1. On the other hand /Neverthless
2. In addition to this /Futhermore/Besides this /Apart from this /What is more
3. Despite/in spite of the fact that
4. But
5. Apart from this/Also/In addition to this/What is more/Futhermore
6. Also/In addition to this/What is more/Futhermore
7. Although/in spite of the fact that
8. In addition to this/What is more/Futhermore/Moreover/Besides this
1. It’s a risky job. Also/In addition to this/What is more/Furthermore/Moreover /Besides this, it is poorly paid.
2. It’s an interesting job. Also, In addition to this, What is more, Furthermore, Moreover, Besides this, I earn a lot of money.
3. It’s very tiring because you spend all day in front of a computer. Also, In addition to this, What is more, Futhermore, Moreover, Besides this, it is boring as you do the same thing all the time.
4. It’s an exciting job. However, On the other hand, Neverthless, you travel a lot which is exhausting.
5. It’s not a steady job. Also, In addition to this, what is more, Futhermore,Morever,Besides this, it is not well paid.
1. I wish I hadn’t lied to my best friend.
2. I wish I could afford to go on holiday.
3. I wish my broken leg didn’t hurt.
4. I wish I hadn’t failed my exams.
5. I wish my mum wasn’t angry with me.
6. I wish I was old enough to get a driving licence.

1. I wish I had all my teeth. If I had all my teeth, I could eat the apple.
2. I wish I had a friend. If I had a friend , I wouldn’t feel lonely.
3. I wish I had a job. If I had a job. I would be happy.
4. I wish I didn’t have a headache. If I didn’t have a headache. I would work faster.
1. I wish we hadn’t stolen the money. If we hadn’t stolen the money, the police wouldn’t have arrested us.
2. I wish I had checked the petrol tank. If I had checked the petrol tank, we wouldn’t have run out of petrol.
3. I wish I had woken up early. If I had woken up early. I wouldn’t have missed the bus.
4. I wish I had been careful. If I had been careful, I wouldn’t have twisted my knee.
1. Wouldn’t have fired 7. Will lose
2. Hadn’t spent 8. Wouldn’t have been
3. Had 9. Would be
4. Could find 10.had followed, wouldn’t have lost
5. Finds
6. Didn’t have to
1b 2c 3d 4a 5e
Ex-6 ask do 3.scary 4.everyday 5.face win go 8.bussiness 9.take on test satisfy 12.examination
1 up 2 on 3 into 4 down
1 out 2 though 3 for 4 about 5 about 6in 7 with
To-infinitive: learn, teach,agree, hope, expect, would like, want, would prefer
Infinitive without to: must, may, can, will, would rather, let, make
-ing form: like, mind, can’t stand, enjoy, hate, it’s worth, keep, look forward to, it’s no use, prefer, avoid, suggest, imagine
1.taking part learn play try 5.being 6.exercising find 8.practising 9.become
1.playing play 3.practise 4.doing to try meet 7.seeing 8.getting up play 10.tidy
1.relaxing 2.enjoyable 3.patience 4.expensive 5.exciting 6.dangerous
Unit 16
1 does it? 5 will you?
2 wasn’t it? 6 shall we?
3 didn’t they? 7 hasn’t he?
4 isn’t it? 8 do you?
1. Will you?
2. Have you?
3. Shall we?
4. Aren’t you?
5. Does she?
Unit 17
The sea turtle is in danger of extinction because people are hunting it for food and are destroying its habitat.
The emperor penguins is in danger of extinction because of sea pollution and increased fishing.
Ex 16
1 Such 2 So 3 so 4 such a
1. Enough
2. Enough
3. Too
4. Too
5. Too
6. Enough
7. Too
Ex 20
1 The bridge was so low that the lorry couldn’t pass under it.
It was such a low bridge that the lorry couldn’t pass under it.
The bridge wasn’t high enough for the lorry couldn’t pass under .
2. This ocean is cold for tropical fish to survive.
This ocean is so cold that tropical fish can’t survive in it.
This is such a cold ocean that tropical fish can’t survive in it.
3 It was such fast rabbit that the enough couldn’t catch it.
The rabbit wasn’t slow enough for the dog to catch.
The rabbit was too fast for the dog to catch.
4 The sign was too small for Mary to see.
The sign was so small that Mary couldn’t see it.
The sign wasn’t big enough for Mary to see.
Unit 18
Ex 10
1. Trees are being cut down. Consequently, many species will become extinct.
2. People in cities breathe exhaust fumes every day. As a consequence, many of the develop breathing problems.
3. Industrial waste is dumped into the sea. As a result, fish die.
4. People drop litter in the streets. Therefore, people get diseases.
5. Most factories do not use filters. As a result the air gets dirty.
Ex 12
1. We should stop cutting down trees so that animals won’t lose their natural habitats.
2. We should make wildlife parks to protect animals from extinction.
3. We should plant more trees so that we will have more oxygen.
4. We should clean up the litter in cities so that we won’t catch diseases from it.
5. We should find clean forms of energy to save the planet.
Ex 13
1d 2 a 3c 4e 5d
1. Governments should improve public transport so that people won’t have to use cars to get around.
2. People should get involved in recycling schemes so that there will be less rubbish to pollute the environment.
3. We should ban cars from city centres to make the streets cleaner, safer and quieter.
4. Governments should force factories to put filters on chimneys so that the harmful gases won’t be able to pollute the atmosphere.
5. We should stop using the products of companies whose factories cause pollution to force them to use environmentally friendly production methods.
Unit 19
1. Spicy-spicier-the spiciest
2. Strong-stronger-the strongest
3. Fattening-more fattening-the most fattening
4. Nutritious-more Nutritious-the most Nutritious
5. Delicious-more Delicious-the most Delicious
6. Rich-richer-the richest
7. Juicy-juicier-the juiciest
8. Disgusting-more disgusting-the most disgusting
9. Tasty-tastier-the tastiest
10. Hot-hotter-the hottest
11. Good-better-the best
12. Bad-worse-the worst
13. Little-less-the least
The food is as tasty at Paul’s restaurant as it is at Ed’s restaurant.
The food is more expensive at Paul’s restaurant that at Ed’s restaurant.
The food is not as expensive at Ed’s restaurant as at Paul’s restaurant.
The atmosphere is friendlier at Ed’s restaurant than at Paul’s restaurant.
The atmosphere at Paul’s restaurant is not as friendly as at Ed’s.
The décor is more luxurious at Paul’s restaurants than at Ed’s restaurant.
The décor at Ed’s restaurant is less luxurious than at Paul’s restautant.
Unit 20
Ex 10
1c 2e 3d 4b 5a
1. Must
2. May/might/could
3. Can’t
4. May/might/could
5. Must
Ex 12
1d 2f 3e 4g 5a 6b 7c
Ex 13
1. Burglars must have tied him up.
He must be feeling uncomfortable.
He might have been robbed
He could have been calling for help.
The woman must have felt surprised.
B. He must have stolen some money.
They may/might/could put him in prison.
He must be unemployed.
The shopkeeper must have called the police.
He must be frightened.
Ex 14
1. ….must be coming…
2. …must have lost….
3. ….can’t fail….
4. ….could have forgotten the…
5. ….can’t have committed…
6. ….must have stolen….
7. ,…..might have lied….
8. ….must be (still ) working…
9. ….may/might/could have been sleeping…
10. …can’t have paid….
Unit 21
Ex 14
1. Boring
2. Amused
3. Terrifying
4. Excited
5. Amazed
6. Thrilling
7. Interesting
8. Embarrassed
Specific preference: a, b
General preference: c,d
Ex 16
1. Listen, go
2. To watch, visit
3. To play, play
4. Write ,learn
5. To read, read
6. Travelling, travelling
Ex 17
a. Positive agreement
b. Negative agreement
2 so did I.
3 so am I.
4 neither will I.
5 so do I.
Unit 22
2. she has her house cleaned by the maids.
3. She has her car washed by the chauffeur.
4. She has her shopping delivered by the supermarket.
5. She has her letters typed by the secretary.
6. She has her meals cooked by the chef.
1. Sue had her living room painted.
2. Bob will have a photo of his taken.
3. Marcy must have her eyes tested.
4. Helen is having her car service at the moment.
5. Tom must have his jeans shortened.
6. Fiona has had her flat decorated.
We have our taps repaired by a plumber.
My mum cleans the house.
He have the walls painted by a decorator.
We have the grass cut by a gardener.
My dad washes the car.
My mum waters the plants
We have the dog examined by a vet.

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