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4) * Positive: funny, polite, cooperative, logal , active, helpful imaginative, self-confident, caring

* Negative: unreliable, rude, stubborn, selfish, arrogant, lazy, shy, outgoing

5) *Roger is friendly and caring.

* Andrew is stubborn but he is disorganized.

* Paul is cooperative. However, he tend to forgetful.

* Micheal is energetic. On the other hand, he tend to be rather bossy.

11) mini skirt- k, waistcoat-m, jeans-j, shorts-h, leggings-g, high heeled shoes-s, tie-w, fur coat- e, evening dress- f, suit-a, bow tie-o, denim jacket-b, trainers-u, T-shirt-t, baseballcap-I, neck jumper-c, scarf-d, flat shoes-q, overalls-p, polo-neck-r, tracksuit-n, dungarees-v, suit-l

14) 1f 2d 3a 4c 5b 6e

15) 1. is works directing 3. Is staying 4. Is going to fly

5.leaves 6. likes 7.hates

19) * John is from Australia. He is twelve years old. He is short and slim. He has got brown hair, he is friendly and kind. He likes swimming but he hates watching TV.

* Ann is from Canada. She is thirteen years old. She is tall and slim. She has got fair hair. She is generous and caring. She likes playing the guitar but she hates watching horror films.

* Sally is from Canada. She is thirteen years old. She is tall and plump. She has got fair hair . She is polite and caring. She likes going to the cinema. She hates watching horror film. * *Steven is from Australia. He is twelve years old. He is and kind. He likes watching TV but he hates maths.

20) 1.b 2.c 3.a


7) 1.f 2.a 3.c 4.e 5.b 6.d

8) * golden sand , to fall in love with sb , in the public eye , true love , natural beauty, to sit in the shadows, strong views, to speak her mind

9) 1.such 3. In 4. In 5. To 6. on

10) 1.look up 2. Looks after 3. Looking forward to 4. Look for

11) * Switzerland is famous for skiers.

* Carl lewis is popular with winning four gold medals in the 1988 Olympic Games.

13) * She lives in a big house whose house is near the park.

*Steven is a lawyer which office is in Baker Street.

* Cluire is a model who has been in many fashion shows.

*Sarah is wearing a nice dress whose dress fits her perfectly.

14) 1. Whose 2. Whose 3. Who’s 4. Whose

15) B. Whale seas animal who eating fish.

C. A builder is someone who building a flat.

D. A nurse is someone who look after people.

F. A waiter is someone who helps people.

G. Camera is something which take a photo.

E. A washer is machine which clean the clothes.

18) 1.slender 2. Has got 3. 4. Is 5. Usually 6. Thing 7. In 8.

20) 1.succesful 2. Beautiful 3. Hamoured 4. Glomourous 5. Interesting 6. talented


8) 1. calm 2. Relaxed 3.sad 4) moody

9) 1. Go on holiday/on a trip 2. Go some shopping 3. Have a holiday 4. Take for a walk 5. Do some sightseeing 6.go skiing

10) 1b 2a 3f 4c 5d 6e

11) 1. While she was having lunch some stole her camera.

2. He is dirty. He has been repairing cars since morning.

3. He is sunburnt. He has been lieing in the sun four hours.

4.While they were exploring a cave a shark appeared.

5. While she was skiing she broke her leg.

6. She is tired. She has been working since morning.

13) 1. Yet 2.for 3.ever 4. Never 5. When 6. Already 7. So far 8. while 9. Ago 10. since

14) 1.we haven’t fishing since last summer.’s the first time she has never eaten Chinese food.

3.How long is it since he went to Naples?

4.we haven’t been eaten out for a long time.

5.He hasn’t been to Delhi for five years.

16) writing 2.came 3.are staying 4. Has been 5. Have did 6.have already been 7. Take 8.haven’t been 9. Tried 10. Was 11. Was 12.were enjoying

5) exotic place, fabulous hotel, a lovely guest-house, marvelous camp-site, warm and sunny weather, magnificent places, exploring all the gorgeous sandy beaches, traditional food, beautiful city, an amazing cave, a wonderful island.

6) 2.1. fabulous-horrible 2. Wonderful-awful 3. Sunny-cloudy 4.clean-filthy 5.quiet-crowded 6. Clear-dirty 7.friendly-unfriendly 8. Delicious-disgusting 9.enjoyable-lousy


6) 1b 2d 3f 4a 5e 6c

7) 1. Fishing boats 2. Palm trees 3.traditional dances 4.cable cars 5. Golden beaches 6.a short drive 7. Steep roads 8. Street actors

8) 1. Tiny 2.huge 3. Delightful 4.gorgeous 5.delicious 6.colourful 7. Fantastic 8. Perfect

9) 1.see 2. Watch 3.look 4. Bring 5. Take

10) 1.ran over 2. Ran after 3. Ran out 4. Ran into

11) 1. On the west coast of the United States.

2. in the Paciffic Ocean. 3. Famous for something. 4.on a tour 5.shake hands with somebody 6. Sit on golden beaches 7. Get on a plane

12) A 1. Straiw umbrellas 2. Bright sun 3. Blue sea 4. Crashing waves 5. Smell of suntan oil

B 1. Tall green trees 2. Bird chirping 3. Leaves rustling 4. Smell of wet soil

16) 1.Incorrect 2.Incorrect 3.Incorrect 4.correct 5. Incorrect 6. Incorrect 7. Correct

17) 1e 2d 3c 4a 5b

19) 1.fame-famous 2. peace-peaceful 3.marvel-marvelous 4.Mist-misty 5.mystery-mysterous 6.delight-delightful 7.shade-shady 8.taste-tasteful 9.friend-friendly 10.fantasy-fantastic

18) 1. You really ought to visit Disneyland as it’s fun for the whole family.

2. You really ought to go Black Rock Beach as it’s perfect for windsurfing.

3. You really ought to don’t swim Sunset Beach as it’s water for the deep.

4. You really ought to go to island in September as it’s for the less crowded.

5. You really ought to go Cairo as it’s many things for the see.


4) A 1.cloudless ,clear sky. 2. Moonlit, moonless night 3. Sunny, dark day. 4.rough, calm see.

B 1.noisy, narrow street. 2.crowded, expensive, empty restaurant 3. Pebbly, sandy beach 4. High, snowy, tree-covered mountain

5) A. I feel scared when I go to the dentist. I feel terrified when I watch horror film. I feel frightened when I take to exam.

B. I feel angry when I have a lot of my homework. I feel furious when

C. I feel glad when I am got the job. I feel thrilled when I win contest. I feel pleased when I hear good news. I feel delighted when I wear fantastic clothes.

D. I feel annoyed when I hear bad words someone. I feel sad when someone stole my bag. I feel miserable when I haven’t a lot of friends.

6) 1. He was frightened. 2. She was bored. 3. He was embarrassed. 4. He was surprised. 8. He was happy. 7. He was angry. 5. She was miserable 6. She was nervous.

7) 1c 2a 3e 4d 5b

1. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. 2. Bill was watching TV while his wife was getting dressed. 3. I was having a bath when my doorbell rang. 4. I heard a noise in the garden so I went to see what it was. 5. He went to bed early last night because he was very tired.

9) A 1. Was looking 2. Was 3. Were running 4. Was seeing 5. Was gasping 6. Were walking 7. Were beginning 8. Was realising 9. Were staring

B 1. Was raining 2. Was blowing 3. Was walking 4. Was 5. Was 6. Was hearing 7. Were getting 8. Was turning 9. Was seeing

C 1. Was working 2. Was digging 3.was finding 4. Was opening 5. Was

10) 1. she was looking pretty and she was singing song. 2. we were over bridge and we were funny. 3. Sally was playing basketball and she was running fast.

11) 1. Sailing 2. Enjoying 3. Blowing 4.talking 5. Sitting 6. Talking 7. Crashing 8.making 9. Trying

13) 1. Was 2.was raining 3. Was talking 4.was running 5. Reached 6. Had 7. Didn’t see 8. Felt 9.turned 10. Saw 11. Was wearing 12. Was

15) 1b 2a


6) thick forests , sharp claws , to make growling noises, to scream for help, to run away in fear , a dark cave , to be fast sleep, to start a fire, to pick fruit, to work on an experiment

7) 1.b 2.c 3.a

8) 1. Had already started 2. Had showed 3. Had travelled 4. Had been typing 5. Had saved 6. Had been practicing 7. Had looked 8. Had leaved

10) You have to stay in your Vehicles.

You don’t have to feed the animals.

Children under 5 are not allowed to pay for an entrance ticket.

11) You mustn’t take photographs in museum.

You must buy a guide book in museum.

You must leave your bags at the door in museum.

You mustn’t touch the exhibits in museum.

You mustn’t disturb the other guests in hotel.

You needn’t tidy your room in hotel.

You needn’t leave the room by 12:00 in hotel.

You needn’t leave any valuables in the room in hotel.

12) Cows are as big as horses.

Seals aren’t as smart as dolphins.

Alligators are longer than lizards.

Snakes are more dangerous than spiders .

Spiders are less dangerous than snakes.


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